Elder Wessel

Elder Wessel

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The new Asst

Family I am filled with the spirit today as I write. I have been inspired from the Lord in so many ways.  I have woken up really well today and I appreciate the blessings he has given me. I understand more and more each day that he loves each and every one of us in very distinctive ways.  I wake up singing hymns laughing and really loving life.  God is great.  He loves us.
   This week we have transfers and it’s my last one.  I don’t really have time today but, I am staying here in the office to end the mission and we talked it over with President and we have called a third assistant to assist us in the work and the goals that we want to achieve this transfer.  We want to break barriers.  It’s super awesome and I’m super excited.  He was the secretary of the mission and his name is Elder Tarone.  He is from Las Vegas and he is as super champ! I’m pumped for him. He only has a year in the mission can you believe that??
   This week we were working hard and ending transfers.  I didn’t have any cool spiritual experience with transfers this week but it was pretty cool igual. But, I have received a new assignment from President.  We have, in the mission, a new challenge.  We have a ton of investigators that meet the requirements of baptism that have not been baptized.  So what the assignment is; is that I should go amongst the missionaries and baptize the people that need the saving ordinance of baptism.  I’m super excited and feel super great for the trust the Lord has in me.

I had a really cool experience already this past week.  We had a zone that wasn’t going to baptize so I went and traveled down there.  It was like 30 minutes away. There were some Elders that had some kids and they needed to be baptized and so I went out we went to visit them.  Their mom did not want them to get baptized.  She was against it and didn’t really want to talk.  We insisted and insisted on her and we got into her house.  We talked with the spirit and it filled the room to an immense power that was incredible for me.  Within minutes she doubted her doubts and signed the two baptismal registros and confessed to us that she felt the need to get baptized as well.  We programed the two baptisms for her kids, and they will get  baptized this weekend at five and she will be getting married here soon so, as the mother, do the same ordinance as her kids.  It’s wonderful when we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and are able to witness the miracles that he permits us to.

I know God lives.  HE loves us.  His son died for us.  I can be clean because Jesus Christ already suffered.  He loves us!

Elder Wessel
I Love these people

Queridos misioneros,
En los últimos 3 meses hemos tenido un promedio de 46 almas con esperanza a ser salvadas y entrar en el Reino Celestial en toda la misión. Hemos visto que esto ha sido el esfuerzo de unos pocos misioneros, a través de sus esfuerzos y esmero. Ellos también tienen algo en común, tienen un deseo grande de salvar almas, bautizar, lo que los ha movido a prepararse cada día con el Espíritu del Señor y planificar para no fracasar.
Les pregunto a todos, ¿están conformes con lo que han logrado? Si vuestra entrada económica después de la misión dependiera del esfuerzo y esmero que han puesto para servir al Señor en su obra, ¿qué salario recibirían? Les daría para mantenerse a ustedes mismos, a una familia quizás? 
Es notorio que si queremos cambiar nuestras realidades actuales y futuras debemos cambiar ahora, trabajando con todo nuestro “corazón, alma, mente y fuerzas…” DyC 4:2-4, y no disminuir la fuerza ante el primer “NO” o lo difícil que es la tarea. Si hubiéramos sido Israelitas que llevaban el arca en la antigüedad, Josué 3, ¿no nos hubiéramos mojado los pies y hubiéramos regresado a Egipto con el Arca del Convenio?. 
“…Santificaos, porque Jehová hará mañana maravillas entre vosotros.” Josué 3:5 
“Y acontecerá que cuando las plantas de los pies de los sacerdotes que llevan el arca de Jehová, Señor de toda la tierra, se asienten sobre las aguas del Jordán, las aguas del Jordán se dividirán…” Josué 3:13 
Sin duda debemos “santificarnos”, hay mucha cosa que cambiar en nosotros mismos,  en nuestros compañerismos, en las pensiones donde vivimos, etc. Si no lo hacemos, por más que nos mojemos los pies, actuando, el poder de Dios no se manifestara, y jamas veremos los frutos que podríamos ver. Solo hay una manera, un camino para hacer la obra, y es a la manera del Señor, no la nuestra. Si entendiéramos esta verdad, no solo cambiaríamos nuetro presente si no el tiempo de nuestra vida por venir. 
El Señor está dispuesto a ayudarnos, sus promesas son muy grandes.  “Y respondiendo Jesús, les dijo: Tened fe en Dios.
Porque de cierto os digo que cualquiera que diga a este monte: Quítate y échate al ma, y no dude en su corazón, sino que crea que será hecho lo que dice, lo que diga le será hecho.Por tanto, os digo que todo lo que pidáis en oración, creed que lo recibiréis, y os vendrá.” Marcos 11:22-24 
¿Podemos desear ser los instrumentos para la salvación de muchos? Tengo mucha esperanza en la obra que ustedes pueden llegar a realizar. 
“…Santificaos, porque Jehová hará mañana maravillas entre vosotros”. 
Los quiero mucho. 
Carlos A  Casariego
Misión Argentina Neuquen
this is the email my president sent to us today! its wonderful!
This is the translation
Dear missionaries,
In the last 3 months we have had an average of 46 souls with hope to be saved and enter the heavenly kingdom throughout the mission. We have seen that this has been the effort of a few missionaries, through their efforts and dedication. They also have something in common, they have a great desire to save souls, baptize, what has moved them to prepare each day with the Lord's Spirit and plan not to fail.
I ask everybody, you are happy with what they have achieved? If your economic input after the mission depended on the effort and dedication they have to serve the Lord in his work, what salary would receive? It would give to keep yourself, a family perhaps?
It is noteworthy that if we change our current and future realities must change now, working with all our "heart, soul, mind and strength ..." D & C 4: 2-4, and not diminish the force at the first "NO" or how difficult which is the task. If we had been Israelites carried the ark in, Joshua 3 old, we would not have wet feet and we had returned to Egypt with the Ark of the Covenant ?.
"... Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you." Joshua 3: 5
"And it shall be when the soles of the feet of the priests carrying the ark of Jehovah, Lord of all the earth, shall rest upon the waters of the Jordan, the waters of Jordan shall be cut ..." Joshua 3:13
Surely we must "sanctify" there is a lot of things to change in ourselves, in our fellowships, pensions where we live, etc. If we do, though we mojemos feet, acting, the power of God did not manifest itself, and never see the fruits we could see. There is only one way, one way to do the work, and it is the Lord's way, not ours. If we understood this truth, not only would change nuetro present if not the time of our life to come.
The Lord is willing to help, their promises are great. "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Have faith in God.
For verily I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea, and no doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will be done, what he says will be done.
Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive them, and ye shall have them "Mark 11: 22-24.
Can we want to be instruments for the salvation of many? I have great hope in the work that you can get to make.
"... Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you."
I love you so much.
Carlos A  Casariego

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